| BaseSeparateWindow (const std::wstring &className, const std::wstring &titleName, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const std::string &windowFunctionName, bool maximize=false, bool minimize=false, const std::string &moduleName="", uint16_t smallIconResource=NULL, uint16_t largeIconResource=NULL) |
void | enableResize () |
| Enable resize button and window resizing.
void | disableResize () |
| Disable resize button and window resizing.
void | setLargeIcon (const std::filesystem::path &pathToLargeIcon) |
| Set large icon(32x32) for specific window.
void | setSmallIcon (const std::filesystem::path &pathToSmallIcon) |
| Set small icon(16x16) for specific window.
virtual size_t | getHash () const override=0 |
| Used as key in creators.
virtual json::JSONBuilder | getStructure () const override |
virtual | ~BaseSeparateWindow () |
| BaseWindow (const std::wstring &className, const std::wstring &windowName, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const interfaces::IStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent=nullptr, const std::string &windowFunctionName="", const std::string &moduleName="", uint16_t smallIconResource=NULL, uint16_t largeIconResource=NULL) |
virtual void | initDrawing (const std::string &pictureBlockName, uint16_t imagesWidth, uint16_t imagesHeight, utility::BaseLoadableHolder::imageType type) final |
| Initialize block of pictures with same size.
virtual void | addImage (const std::string &pictureBlockName, int x, int y, const std::filesystem::path &pathToImage) |
| Draw image in window.
virtual void | removeImage (const std::string &pictureBlockName, const std::filesystem::path &pathToImage) |
| Remove image from window.
virtual void | drawAllImages () final |
| Clear window and draw all images.
virtual void | setBackgroundColor (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) final override |
virtual | ~BaseWindow ()=default |
| BaseComposite (const std::wstring &className, const std::wstring &windowName, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const interfaces::IStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent=nullptr, const std::string &windowFunctionName="", const std::string &moduleName="", uint16_t smallIconResource=NULL, uint16_t largeIconResource=NULL) |
void | removeChild (BaseComponent *child) |
void | removeComponents (const std::wstring &componentName) |
BaseComponent * | findChild (const std::wstring &windowName) const |
BaseComponent * | findChild (HWND handle) const |
std::vector< BaseComponent * > | findChildren (const std::wstring &windowName) const |
virtual std::unique_ptr< Menu > & | createMainMenu (const std::wstring &menuName) |
| It needs to be called once.
virtual Menu & | addPopupMenu (const std::wstring &menuName) |
| Don't call move operator with return value.
virtual void | removePopupMenus (const std::wstring &menuName) |
| Remove all pop-up menus with menuName.
void | setExitMode (exitMode mode) |
void | setOnDestroy (const std::function< void()> &onDestroy) |
void | setOnDestroy (const std::string &onDestroyFunctionName, const std::string &onDestroyFunctionModuleName) |
| Load function from module. Can be seriazlied.
exitMode | getExitMode () const |
int | getExitCode () const |
const std::vector< std::unique_ptr< BaseComponent > > & | getChildren () const |
const std::unique_ptr< Menu > & | getMainMenu () const |
std::unique_ptr< Menu > & | getMainMenu () |
std::vector< const Menu * > | getPopupMenus () const |
const std::function< void()> & | getOnDestroy () const |
virtual iterators::composite_forward_iterator | begin () noexcept override |
virtual iterators::composite_const_forward_iterator | cbegin () const noexcept override |
virtual iterators::composite_forward_iterator | end () noexcept override |
virtual iterators::composite_const_forward_iterator | cend () const noexcept override |
virtual | ~BaseComposite () |
| BaseComponent (std::wstring_view className, std::wstring_view windowName, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const interfaces::IStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent=nullptr, std::string_view windowFunctionName="", std::string_view moduleName="", uint16_t smallIconResource=NULL, uint16_t largeIconResource=NULL) |
LRESULT | handleMessages (HWND handle, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, bool &isUsed) |
bool | destroyComponent () |
bool | asyncDestroyComponent () |
void | enable () |
void | disable () |
bool | isEnabled () const |
bool | isDisabled () const |
LRESULT | sendRawMessage (UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
| SendMessage WinAPI wrapper.
void | setDesiredWidth (uint16_t desiredWidth) |
void | setDesiredHeight (uint16_t desiredHeight) |
void | setDesiredX (int desiredX) |
void | setDesiredY (int desiredY) |
virtual void | setTextColor (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) |
BaseComponent * | getParent () const |
HWND | getHandle () const |
std::wstring_view | getWindowName () const |
std::wstring_view | getClassName () const |
uint16_t | getDesiredWidth () const |
uint16_t | getDesiredHeight () const |
uint16_t | getActualWidth () const |
uint16_t | getActualHeight () const |
RECT | getActualCoordinates () const |
int | getDesiredX () const |
int | getDesiredY () const |
uint32_t | getId () const |
COLORREF | getBackgroundColor () const |
COLORREF | getTextColor () const |
const smartPointerType< interfaces::IStyles > & | getStyles () const |
virtual | ~BaseComponent () |
| ISerializable ()=default |
virtual | ~ISerializable ()=default |
| IIterable ()=default |
virtual | ~IIterable ()=default |
| IComponentVisibility (HWND componentVisibilityHandle) |
void | show () const |
void | hide () const |
virtual | ~IComponentVisibility ()=default |
| ICloseable (HWND closeableHandle) |
bool | close (int exitCode) |
virtual void | setOnClose (const std::function< bool()> &onClose) final |
virtual void | setOnClose (const std::string &onCloseFunctionName, const std::string &onCloseFunctionModuleName) final |
| Load function from module. Can be seriazlied.
virtual const std::function< bool()> & | getOnClose () const final |
virtual | ~ICloseable ()=default |
| IResizableComponent (HWND resizeableHandle, HWND parent, bool autoResize=false, bool blockResize=false) |
virtual void | resize (uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
| Resize component.
virtual RECT | calculateNewSizes (uint16_t width, uint16_t height) final |
virtual void | setBlockResize (bool blockResize) final |
virtual void | setAutoResize (bool autoResize) final |
virtual bool | getBlockResize () const final |
virtual bool | getAutoResize () const final |
virtual | ~IResizableComponent ()=default |
Base class for separate windows.
Definition at line 10 of file BaseSeparateWindow.h.