| ImageButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, const std::filesystem::path &pathToImage, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, BaseComposite *parent, const std::function< void()> &onClick=nullptr) |
| ImageButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, const std::filesystem::path &pathToImage, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, BaseComposite *parent, const std::string &functionName, const std::string &moduleName) |
| ImageButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, uint32_t imageResources, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, BaseComposite *parent, const std::function< void()> &onClick=nullptr, const std::string &resourceModuleName="") |
| ImageButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, uint32_t imageResources, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, BaseComposite *parent, const std::string &functionName, const std::string &moduleName, const std::string &resourceModuleName="") |
void | setImage (const std::filesystem::path &pathToImage, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight) |
void | setImage (uint32_t imageResource, drawingType dType, imageType iType, uint16_t imageWidth, uint16_t imageHeight, const std::string &resourceModuleName) |
const std::filesystem::path & | getPathToImage () const |
uint16_t | getImageWidth () const |
uint16_t | getImageHeight () const |
drawingType | getDrawingType () const |
imageType | getImageType () const |
size_t | getHash () const override |
| Used as key in creators.
json::JSONBuilder | getStructure () const override |
| ~ImageButton () |
| BaseButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, const std::wstring &buttonText, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const styles::ButtonStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent, const std::function< void()> &onClick=nullptr) |
| BaseButton (const std::wstring &buttonName, const std::wstring &buttonText, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const styles::ButtonStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent, const std::string &functionName, const std::string &moduleName) |
void | setOnClick (const std::function< void()> &onClick) |
| Can't serialize.
virtual void | setOnClick (const std::string &functionName, const std::string &moduleName) |
| Load function from module. Can be seriazlied.
const std::function< void()> & | getOnClick () const |
const std::string & | getFunctionName () const |
| Get onClick function name from loaded module.
const std::string & | getModuleName () const |
| Get onClick function associated module name.
virtual void | setTextColor (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) final override |
| Not implemented.
virtual void | setText (std::string_view localizationKey) final override |
virtual | ~BaseButton ()=default |
| ISingleTextLocalized (bool autoUpdate=true) |
virtual void | setLocalizationKey (std::string_view localizationKey) final |
virtual void | setLocalizationKey (std::string &&localizationKey) noexcept final |
virtual const std::string & | getLocalizationKey () const final |
virtual bool | updateLocalizationEvent () final override |
virtual | ~ISingleTextLocalized ()=default |
| ITextLocalized (bool autoUpdate=true) |
virtual void | setAutoUpdate (bool autoUpdate) final |
virtual bool | getAutoUpdate () const final |
virtual | ~ITextLocalized ()=default |
| BaseComponent (std::wstring_view className, std::wstring_view windowName, const utility::ComponentSettings &settings, const interfaces::IStyles &styles, BaseComposite *parent=nullptr, std::string_view windowFunctionName="", std::string_view moduleName="", uint16_t smallIconResource=NULL, uint16_t largeIconResource=NULL) |
LRESULT | handleMessages (HWND handle, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, bool &isUsed) |
bool | destroyComponent () |
bool | asyncDestroyComponent () |
void | enable () |
void | disable () |
bool | isEnabled () const |
bool | isDisabled () const |
LRESULT | sendRawMessage (UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) |
| SendMessage WinAPI wrapper.
void | setDesiredWidth (uint16_t desiredWidth) |
void | setDesiredHeight (uint16_t desiredHeight) |
void | setDesiredX (int desiredX) |
void | setDesiredY (int desiredY) |
virtual void | setBackgroundColor (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) |
BaseComponent * | getParent () const |
HWND | getHandle () const |
std::wstring_view | getWindowName () const |
std::wstring_view | getClassName () const |
uint16_t | getDesiredWidth () const |
uint16_t | getDesiredHeight () const |
uint16_t | getActualWidth () const |
uint16_t | getActualHeight () const |
RECT | getActualCoordinates () const |
int | getDesiredX () const |
int | getDesiredY () const |
uint32_t | getId () const |
COLORREF | getBackgroundColor () const |
COLORREF | getTextColor () const |
const smartPointerType< interfaces::IStyles > & | getStyles () const |
virtual | ~BaseComponent () |
| ISerializable ()=default |
virtual | ~ISerializable ()=default |
| ITextOperations (HWND handle, const std::wstring &text=L"") |
| ITextOperations (HWND handle, const std::string &localizationKey) |
void | setText (std::wstring_view text) |
virtual std::wstring | getText () const final |
| Get text from control.
virtual | ~ITextOperations ()=default |
| IResizableComponent (HWND resizeableHandle, HWND parent, bool autoResize=false, bool blockResize=false) |
virtual void | resize (uint16_t width, uint16_t height) |
| Resize component.
virtual RECT | calculateNewSizes (uint16_t width, uint16_t height) final |
virtual void | setBlockResize (bool blockResize) final |
virtual void | setAutoResize (bool autoResize) final |
virtual bool | getBlockResize () const final |
virtual bool | getAutoResize () const final |
virtual | ~IResizableComponent ()=default |
Button with image.
Definition at line 9 of file ImageButton.h.